Catch me; on the right day and I might admit, I’ve been a photographer for a good many years. Exactly how many, is a closely guarded secret. But when I started, we use to process films using Kodak E4. I suspect most of you won’t have a clue what I’m talking about try Googling Ektachrome. […]
It’s safe to say that the highlands of Scotland can produce some extraordinary weather. It’s gone from three inches of snow and sub-zero temperatures, to one of the warmest areas in Europe. As we look out the window today we still have small patches of snow left on the grass. The roof is all clear […]
It’s not often we buy more gear. The reason, it only makes your camera bag heavier. Especially as you get older and walking, up hills, weight becomes an important issue. At one time, a bit of kit would get in the bag, if we thought it would be useful. Now each bit of kit, new […]
Disclaimer This is not a guide to winter walking in the hills. Winter hill walking is full of dangers; the risks should be understood and not taken lightly. Every year people die out on the hills of Britain. If you know nothing about winter hill walking, get advice before venturing out. Don’t put your life […]
The Cheetah population is crashing, the species is in crisis. This statement fills us with great sadness; another iconic animal is heading to towards extinction. When we heard the news, it sent shivers down our spines. We are privileged to have spent time watching and photographing this truly wonderful big cat. We had a close […]
It may have had a couple of false starts, the odd warm patch, but finally autumn is here. Woods full of colour. Autumn in a location so far removed from what we are used to, is making autumn this year, such an exciting one. We’re use to the colours of the Chilterns. Here Beech woods […]
Our garden is now full of birds, since we started to put out food. But you may remember from our last post , we started feeding and getting night-time visitors, who were digging up the grass. So in order to find out what was visiting at night we purchased and set up a Trail Camera. And […]
No doubt, it was the title that got your interest. So you, and the birds in our new garden, have at least one thing in common, you’re interested in offers of free food. Since we moved, to the highlands, trying to actually get out and take, photographs has been almost impossible. Setting up our house, […]
Events, News, Opinion, Wildlife
The glorious 12th refers to the 12th August when the grouse season opens here in the UK. Grouse for the initiated are small game birds which live on heather moorlands. But, the 12th August is also an important day worldwide as it is “World Elephant Day”. Why have a day devoted to the Elephant? One; […]
How foxes and foxgloves can help your business. Odd statement you might say, but is it really. Foxes and Foxgloves can really help your business. Creating a relaxed and rewarding working environment boosts productivity, whether you work from home or an office. Having pictures of Foxes, Foxgloves or whatever wildlife is your favourite creates a […]
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