News, Update, Wildlife

One year on

28 Jul , 2017  

Clouds in blue sky

A brief look at the calendar the other day, and oh gosh we are at the end of July. What have we been up to? Let’s see. We have been spending time checking out locations in the local vicinity for photo opportunities and possible tour destinations. Tours, I hear you say. Yes, we’re developing plans […]


Crows vs Photographers

13 Jul , 2017  

Carrion and Hooded Crow hybrids

They reckon that crows are one of the smartest birds. We found out just how smart, when we thought we’d get a few pictures. This is our first venture into video blogging. We have talked about doing a vlog for some time and this seemed the perfect opportunity to show you, what in this case, […]


A cautionary tale

23 Jun , 2017  

QWERTY keayboard

Today’s blog is a cautionary tale, to all those that use Adobe Photoshop CC. One Friday afternoon, we started having problems with the Adobe Creative Cloud application, running on one of our Windows 10 computers. Why does it always happen on a Friday when you’re trying to finish something before the weekend? Despite our efforts, […]


How To

How To: The Complete Series

15 Jun , 2017  

Title picture How To The complete series

Our How To blog series has just finished, we hope you have enjoyed them and found them useful and informative? Below is a complete list with links. These blogs are full of tips and tricks that will raise your photography, to the next level. Start improving your pictures today. Don’t forget we run bespoke training courses on […]

How To

How To: Hire a Photographer

7 Jun , 2017  

How To: Hire a Photographer

This is the last in this series of How To’s. We hope you have found the previous blogs informative and helped you with your photography. We thought we would save this topic for last. Sometimes to get the image you want, the best and only answer, is to hire a photographer. First thing to say; […]

News, Opinion, Wildlife

Killer glass

6 Jun , 2017  

Dead male Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus.

Were you expecting a lens review? If so you are you are going to be disappointed. Today we’re talking windows, particularly birds striking windows. We’ve had this problem at previous houses, were birds fly into a window with enough force to stun themselves. But our new house seems to have one window in the kitchen […]

How To

How To: Backup Images

31 May , 2017  

How To Backup Images

Digital images can be lost forever. In the good old days, we had a print or negative, to keep our memories safe. But now, images can be lost in a heartbeat. Your computer fails or they get accidently deleted. There are ways to protect against that sinking feeling, when you think you might have lost […]

How To

How To: Take pictures inside

24 May , 2017  

How To Take Pictures Inside

This How To, is about taking pictures in indoors and in low light. Cameras come in one of two varieties, those with built in flash and those without. The most used camera, the one in your smart phone, comes with a built in flash. As do, some compact and starter DSLRs’ (Digital Single Lens Reflex) […]

How To

How To: Stay Legal

17 May , 2017  

HowTo: Stay Legal

Staying legal is an important aspect of using imagery, whether it’s personally or for business. Getting entangled; in copyright issues can be costly and bad for your reputation. This blog is for guidance only and is as far as we are aware, correct at the time of posting. However, the law is ever changing and […]

How To

How To: Declutter your images

10 May , 2017  

How To: Declutter Your Images

Decluttering “remove unnecessary items from (an untidy or overcrowded place)” You may have decluttered your home, but you may be surprised to learn, you should declutter your images too. Decluttering your images is a lot easier than decluttering your home and requires fewer visits to the recycling centre. Just like in our homes, clutter in […]