Post by: Mark Bloomfield

Events, Wildlife

The May

29 Apr , 2016  

Hawthorn flowers

Dancing around Maypoles, are for us at least sadly over. Perhaps on reflection that should read ‘gladly over’. Mayday for many of us now comes down to a bank holiday. It was however a very important day in the calendar of our recent ancestors. Festivals such as the Obby Oss in Padstow remain, reminding us […]

Gear, How To

Have you done your backup today?

24 Apr , 2016  

Seagate HDD

Remember the days when photographs were paper, coated with a thin layer of silver and coloured pigment? I can still open an album; look at pictures of my grandparents taken 100 years ago. All without the need to switch on a computer fire up a bit of software. All you need to protect these is […]

Events, News, Wildlife

Elephants in Crisis

21 Apr , 2016  

Elephants In Crisis

Giving talks, about a diverse range of subjects: Kenya Masai Mara, British wildlife and British Flora allows us to share our passion for all things wild. We are lucky we do something we love. We get to spend time in the countryside-watching animals seeing the seasons change. Plants appear flower and disappear. Our pictures tell […]


Opinion, Wildlife

Trees in Spring

23 Mar , 2016  

Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna flowers

Trees, we all take them for granted. During our winter, many tree species are just a collection of twigs and branches. Summer comes and the trees undergo a transformation. Ask most people and they won’t know which species of tree they are looking at. Did you know for instance that we have over 30 species […]

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17 Mar , 2016  

Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Each month of the year has its own special look and feel, but April is one of those months that’s hard to beat. And for us it’s all down to one flower. Each year we eagerly await the beginning of April. Why? Bluebells, early in April you start looking for the long green leaves that […]


Light and brain

11 Feb , 2016  

Light and Brain

We were recently teaching a one to one session, when nearly at the end, we always ask the person on the course if they are happy with what they had learnt. “Yes” was the reply “but it’s not what I expected.” In a mild panic we asked what had they expected. “I was expecting you […]

Events, Wildlife

Become a scientific assistant

28 Jan , 2016  

Goldfinch (European) Carduelis carduelis

To help preserve our wildlife we need to know what we are preserving. Without data all conservation, is just a stab in the dark. How can you help collect this valuable data about our wildlife and countryside? Well you could go to university, study hard, pass the exams. Get a job, apply for a research […]



Our children, will they be the guardians of our wildlife?

20 Jan , 2016  

Older generation enjoying birdwatching

Who will look after our wildlife tomorrow? It is looking more and more likely that the answer will be no-one. Our children and grandchildren are less engaged with the outdoors than ever before. We have raised a generation knowing nothing and caring even less, about what happens in our countryside. Unless we can reconnect our […]

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Reviews, Software

Forgotten your Password

4 Jan , 2016  

Screen shot Wordpress login screen

How important are passwords to our day. No matter what you want to do on the web today you need to login. To provide some protection, against those who want to rob you blind, you need to pick a strong password. So strong in fact that you certainly won’t remember it the next time you […]

Opinion, Wildlife

Your local patch

18 Dec , 2015  

Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis on feeder

I suppose it is in the nature of who we are, wildlife photographers I mean. We are always looking at the TV or magazines, wondering what image opportunities might be available at a particular destination. Most of these potential picture opportunities seem to involve lots of travel and normally quiet a bit of money. But […]