Title picture How To The complete series

How To

How To: The Complete Series

15 Jun , 2017  

Our How To blog series has just finished, we hope you have enjoyed them and found them useful and informative? Below is a complete list with links. These blogs are full of tips and tricks that will raise your photography, to the next level. Start improving your pictures today.

Don’t forget we run bespoke training courses on all aspects of photography. If you would like us to help you, get in contact and have a chat.


How To Avoid Camera Shake

How To: Avoid Camera Shake

Blurry out of focus pictures? Are you sure they are out of focus and it’s not motion blur? Motion blur or camera shake is the most common reason we get pictures that look out of focus or blurry. With a few simple tips on how you hold your phone or camera you can dramatically improve the images you take.


Title picture How To Be Different

How To: Be Different

Want your images to make an impact and stand out. Get your feet moving. Crouching down, standing somewhere different, a change of angle could make your image stand out from the crowd.



Title photograph How To compose in thirds

How To: Compose in Thirds

Knowing where to place your subject in the frame can make a big difference to your images. A few simple tips and tricks that anyone can follow improve the composition. It takes only a few seconds, but those few seconds can make the difference between hmm and wow!


HowTo-Take Better Landscapes

How To: Take better landscapes

We’ve all had a landscape moment, when the sheer beauty of a place over whelms you. You have to get the camera out and take a picture. But sometimes when you look at the image it looks nothing like the scene you remember. In this How To blog we reveal some great hits and tips that can help you record the splendour of your trip.


How To: Not Lose your Subject

How To: Not Lose Your Subject

When you look at your images is it difficult to tell what they are about. Do you have the urge to explain what people should be seeing. If the answer is yes, then your subject matter is getting lost. Make your subject stand out in your images with a few simple tips.


How To: Declutter Your Images

How To Deculuuter Your Images

Everything you include in an image should be important to that image. When it’s not important, all it does is distract. Why do we not normally see clutter? It’s very simple, we learn to ignore it. A picture is different, show it to someone and to them your unnoticed clutter will be overwhelming. Learn how to control your clutter.


HowTo: Stay Legal

How To: Stay Legal

Just because you found the image on the internet, it doesn’t give you the right to use it. Staying legal is important, getting entangled in a copyright issue can be costly and bad for your reputation.



How To Take Pictures Inside

How To: Take Pictures Inside

Taking pictures inside especially using flash, can be a bit of a nightmare. So we have put together a few tips that could help. By using the light you have and making a few adjustments to your camera you could be taking great pictures indoors.



How To Backup Images

How To: Backup Images

Have you ever had that sinking feeling? When you think you might have lost your precious pictures. Here are our tips on how you can keep your pictures safe and preserve those never to be repeated moments.



How To: Hire a Photographer

How To: Hire a Photographer

There comes a time when all else has failed and you need to hire a professional. Unfortunately for many people, rather than a solution this can be the start of a traumatic experience. Hiring a photographer is easy, if you know how to. Our blog will give you an insight into what you should expect and how to make sure you’re not disappointed with the results.




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