Photographer using camera


It’s the photographer not the camera

16 Apr , 2017  

What is the difference between a great picture and an ordinary picture? Answer, the person taking it. It is certainly not the camera. Many people have said to us,

“Oh, I only have a compact camera or my phone.”

It doesn’t matter. The important factor is the person behind the camera. Seeing a picture, visualising it in your mind, going out, and capturing it, that is what is important. Being prepared to, do that little bit more than other people, to go that extra mile and above all, keep trying again and again practicing our skills. As with most activities the more you practice the better you get.

Many people are discouraged from photography, because they think the camera they own is not very expensive and doesn’t have all the bells and whistles. You don’t need tens of thousands of pounds worth of equipment. Cameras don’t make pictures they only record them in the same way a microphone doesn’t make you a great singer. It is all about the person.

You don’t need to know what every button on your camera does. You’ll find over time you only use a few buttons, get to know these and how to use them. Most important is the shutter button. When you are out and want to take a picture if there are lots of people, don’t stand with the crowd. Stand away from everyone else; get a different angle. Believe me it’s a myth that standing in the same place as everyone else will get you a different picture. It is only thinking differently that will.


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